Sunday 27 April 2014

Could your washing habits be causing your lungs harm?

As bizarre as it may seem the answer may be yes. We visit hundreds of clients very year where the main cause of condensation and mould in their property is down to their washing. More specifically where they dry their it. You may not realise but in a typical load of laundry there is between 6-12 kg of water contained within when it's removed from the machine. The moisture in this wet clothing, when hung to dry internally on a clothes horse or the back of your chairs, will only evaporate into the property unless you can vent the air properly. This water vapour will head to the coolest parts of a room (Usually the external walls or corners of ceilings) and condense. Over time this will lead to growth of mould and the presence of black spores. 
Obviously during the winter months, or for those living in accommodation without external space to place a clothes horse there may be little option but to dry clothing inside. You may not realise but this could have serious implications on the health of the properties occupants.
Sufferers of Asthma or COPD, the young and the elderly could all be at risk should there be prolonged exposure to this moist air. If you do tend to dry your clothes inside try the following to reduce the risk to your health and reduce the chances of the property getting mould;
1/ Open the windows of the room where your clothes are drying both during the drying process and for a short time after.
2/ Make sure you spin the clothes in the machine as much as possible before hanging them up to dry.
3/ When using a tumble dryer ensure the ventilation hose terminates outside the property, not simply into the room. 
4/ Even condensing tumble dryers aren't perfect, always ensure that the water containers are emptied regularly. 

If your property is suffering from mould or damp, contact us now for more information. | 01793 886222

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